A course is being established in the Cathedral City of Norwich. With so many churches and good organs to choose from, the city provides excellent resources and is such a beautiful place to stay.

Accommodation options are being sought out and we are looking for something central that is comfortable, well-located and with good food - at a reasonable price! So not much to ask for... (if you know of somewhere, let me know). 

The Greater Church, St. Peter Mancroft will be a main venue for tutorials. In this large city church, there are two organs. One is the famous classical organ built in 1984 by Peter Collins. The other is a more modest instrument at ground floor level which participants will feel more at home with.

Julian Haggett, the organist of St. Peter's will be tutoring on this course and brings a wealth of experience and a sympathetic nature to the course.

Date for the first course in Norwich: 26/27 October 2010.

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